My Aerobic System Alarm Light Went Off – What Should I Do?

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Aerobic system alarms sound awful with a high pitch or an incessant buzz. But, don’t panic. There are usually simple reasons the alarm sounds. Here is what you can do about the situation.
There are two lighted alarms on the system a red alarm and a yellow one. Red is indicative of the high-water alarm. Yellow is the aeration alarm.
Both alarms can be silenced, and you will want to silence yours to save your sanity as well as your neighbors. Let’s break down what to do with each alarm.
Red Flashing Light
Are the sprinklers still running? Turn the water off. Let the water in the tank drop to just below the alarm level. When the flashing red light goes off, switch the HWA switch back to the run or up setting.
If the water is not running, reset the appropriate circuit breaker in the panel. This should solve the problem. If not, let the water drop below the level and then switch the HWA switch. If the alarm continues to sound, call the septic company.
Yellow Flashing Light
Look for the switch marked COMP. This is on the front of the unit’s control panel. Set it to mute. Now, check to make sure the compressor is running. Simply put your hand over it.
If it is vibrating, it is running. Now check the tubing to make sure it is still attached. If not, attach it. If it is, look for leaks and tape them up. Then call for a repair.
If the compressor has stopped, try resetting the circuit breaker. Then, switch the COMP back to the run setting.
Your alarms will light even if you have silenced them. This does not mean that the alarms have stopped. Always call for help if the troubleshooting above does not work.
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